Shipping & Returns

Shipping & Returns

Quality Products and Superior Customer Service. Big Locker Warehouse is well known in the industry for our prices, customer service and product knowledge.

Contact Us (877) 452-6900

Contact Us

(877) 452-6900

Freight Receiving Instructions

Our goal is for you to receive the best-manufactured products for your project needs, affordable and complete.

To insure all our goals are met, please review the following:

Instructions for Receiving Freight

  • Have the order invoice or quotation available at the time of delivery.
  • Review the Bill of lading from the Freight Company to make sure you received the right number of pallets, boxes and bags (normally hardware is shipped in additional bags to match the quantity of order).
  • The Receiver must open and inspect all received packages immediately to determine whether the order is complete and that the contents are in good condition
  • Save all packaging materials and paperwork until a complete inspection and approval of your order.


Instructions for Damaged Freight

  • If merchandise is damaged, please note the number of units damaged on the delivery driver’s paperwork, sign and be sure to make a notation on delivery driver’s paperwork describing any box damage you notice.
  • Please take photos of all damage products, this will assist in determine cause of damage.
  • Make sure the driver acknowledges any damage you find.
  • Immediately contact Big Locker Warehouse (877) 452-6900

Instructions for Concealed Damage.
Accepted freight orders that upon further inspection are determined damaged due to shipping or manufacturer defect.

  • Immediately call Big Locker Warehouse and inform us of any damage. Concealed damages must be reported to Big Locker Warehouse within 7 calendar days of receipt
  • Keep all of the original shipping materials and the paperwork.
  • Immediately contact Big Locker Warehouse (877) 452-6900

ALL claims must be made within 7 days from receipt of merchandise.
Failure to produce packaging materials for concealed damage may result in the loss of your right to collect damages and release Big Locker Warehouse from liability.

If you receive regular shipments from commercial carriers, you probably already know how to protect yourself from damage or incomplete orders. As a customer, we need you to review this document carefully. If you accept a shipment only to find out after the truck left that there is damage or discrepancies, it becomes more complicated to correct the problem. By following these simple guidelines you can help protect yourself and your investment.

Big Locker Warehouse is a distributor of the best-manufactured product in the USA. Normally all products are dropped shipped from the manufacturer and arrive in perfect condition. If this not the case and a claim needs to be made for any reason, Big Locker Warehouse will make every effort to correct and expedite the claim.